
Other Issues Media and Society

I visited five different blogs that I found incredibly interesting and related them back to the internet and media. 1. Madeline Milne talks about the issues children have now a days with using technology and the media too much. Instead of going outside and playing with our friends like we did as kids, kids in today's society are too consumed in the media. 2. Jeremy Haley writes about the effects media has on children and how the attention of span of children is now lacking. It is important to see this so we can take care of it right away. 3. Gavin Carroll's blog is all about Fake News. In the world we are living in, especially in the United States, news outlets are taking over peoples opinions and formulating fake news in people's minds. An example of this is with Fox News and CNN News. 4.  https://mediaandsocietycyb...

My View

Growing up in a world that is surrounded by the internet is challenging because the internet can be the main focus point in a lot of people's lives. In this day and age, toddlers and children are given tablets, iPads, iPhones, computers, etc by parent's to keep them busy and out of the way. This has turned into a major problem throughout the world. People have not argued that it has turned into an internet addiction and making toddlers and children act out of the norm and disrespecting their parents and the people around them. We as a society and world need to see these outcomes of overuse of the internet and see if we can come up with solutions to stop the addiction. When talking about addiction, one might think about alcohol or drug addiction, but there are many addictions that strive from the overuse of the internet. The main addiction with the internet is an addiction to gaming. This stems from the use of the internet and exploring the possibilities to do on a tabl...

For Further Research

Recommended Readings: 1. The Center for Parenting Education helps parents recognize how much time their children are spending online and how to help them manage the time their children are using online. It shows them the danger, the stats, and the kind of internet satisfaction they are using. 2. This article is written by Christina Gregory with PSYCOM. This article talks about causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatments of internet addiction. It gives a step by step analysis of how to handle this addiction with anyone of any age. If this addiction is handled properly it can be stopped. 3. Protect Young Eyes gives a senses on if internet addiction is actually real and the behaviors that come  this so called addiction. It hel...

What the Experts Say II

Internet Addiction Disorder: What Can Parents Do For Their Child?: Webroot talks about how parents are concerned with the amount of time their children are spending on their mobile devices or computers. A study showed that children are using almost 45 hours on their tablets, phones, or computers weekly. This is absolutely concerning. In this study Dr. Douglas Gentile stats that "almost one out of every ten youth gamers shows enough symptoms of damage to their school, family, and psychological functioning to merit serious concern" (Internet Addiction Disorder: What Can.). There has been a lot of warning signs from children all over the world from losing track of time, becoming angry and frustrated quickly, would rather spend time online than with their friends and family in real life, or becomes depressed when not using technology. There is a huge emotional downside to over use of t...

What the Experts Say I

Child Mind Institute: Is Internet Addiction Real?: When people see children and young adults always on their phones and disregarding the world around them, it is hard to tell if children are fully addicted to their phones or just doing it because everyone around them does it. With the word addicted, it might be used as a form to scare children so they get off of the internet and socialize with the people around them. The Child Mind Institute did a study to see if children and young adults are actually addicted to the internet. A neuropsychologist, Dr. Matthew Cruger talks about the behavior that is being shown is not a cause of addiction. He states that "with addiction you have a chemical that changes the way we respond" (Miller, C., & Child Mind Institute). He then talks about screen time addiction and how "we don't need more and more screen time in order to be able to function" (Miller, C., ...

Current Event II

COVID-19: COVID-19 is what is taking over the world right now. Millions of people are dying and millions of people have lost their jobs, this causing a stay at home order and a quarantine set into place all over the world. It is an absolute horrible time to be living in and seeing what is happening to our world is incredibly sad and we can only sit back and hope this goes away soon. The question is, what to do in this time? Most people are working from home, working out, doing school work, and enjoying time with their families inside of their homes. This leaves the people that have addictions, what do they do? It is a time that people are now getting trapped back into their old habits and old addictions or their addictions are just gradually getting worse because they do not have access to the help that is needed during this time. The only thing that is getting people with addiction through this pandemic is the feeling of being high a...

Current Event I

Internet Addiction Affecting Children: 60 Minutes Australia conducted a study on the brain for what affects the internet has on children. Children are beginning to become more agitated and less compliant with their parents if they are not getting enough screen time. They start crying and screaming because they are not satisfied. However, this does stem for the parents. Parents are starting to give their children technology devices while they are working or to keep the children entertained. This is a method that parents think is working to keep their children from being disruptive, but it is doing the opposite. Doctors have done a brain scan on an average child who uses technology regularly to addicted children who use technology too much and the results are shocking. There are changes in the part of the brain with the addicted user that are harming their emotions, decision making, and self control. This same outcome can also come from ...